Yu-Wei Fan
2021 - Assistant Professor at Tsinghua University
2019 - 2021 Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley
2014 - 2019 PhD at Harvard University
CV (last updated: April 2024)
Email: ywfan@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Office: 双清综合楼A座, C646
My research interest lies broadly in algebraic geometry, dynamical systems, and symplectic geometry. I am particularly interested in studying Calabi-Yau manifolds/categories, stability conditions, (derived) automorphisms, and mirror symmetry.
A space of stability conditions that is not a length space
Preprint. -
On entropy of P-twists
Submitted, significantly revised recently. -
Nielsen realization problem for derived automorphisms of generic K3 surfaces
Submitted, with K.-W. Lai. -
Fourier-Mukai numbers of K3 categories of very general special cubic fourfolds
Israel J. Math., accepted, with K.-W. Lai. -
Stokes matrices and exceptional isomorphisms
Math. Ann. (2024), with J. P. Whang. -
Shifting numbers of abelian varieties via bounded t-structures
manuscripta math. (2024). -
Asymptotic shifting numbers in triangulated categories
Adv. Math. (2023), with S. Filip. -
New rational cubic fourfolds arising from Cremona transformations
Algebr. Geom. (2023), with K.-W. Lai. -
Contractibility of space of stability conditions on the projective plane via global dimension function
Math. Res. Lett. (2023), with C. Li, W. Liu, and Y. Qiu. -
Counting special Lagrangian classes and semistable Mukai vectors for K3 surfaces
Geom. Dedicata (2023), with J. S. Athreya and H. Lee. -
Attractor mechanisms of moduli spaces of Calabi-Yau 3-folds
J. Geom. Phys. (2023), with A. Kanazawa. -
Systolic inequalities for K3 surfaces via stability conditions
Math. Z. (2022). -
On pseudo-Anosov autoequivalences
Adv. Math. (2021), with S. Filip, F. Haiden, L. Katzarkov, and Y. Liu. -
Categorical polynomial entropy
Adv. Math. (2021), with L. Fu and G. Ouchi. -
Weil-Petersson geometry on the space of Bridgeland stability conditions
Comm. Anal. Geom. (2021), with A. Kanazawa and S.-T. Yau. -
Mirror of Atiyah flop in symplectic geometry and stability conditions
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. (2018), with H. Hong, S.-C. Lau, and S.-T. Yau. -
Entropy of an autoequivalence on Calabi-Yau manifolds
Math. Res. Lett. (2018). -
An invitation to categorical dynamical systems
Proceedings of the 2021 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Workshop. -
Stokes matrices, character varieties, and braids
Proceedings of the 2020 ICCM Annual Meeting. -
Mirror Symmetry, Autoequivalences, and Bridgeland Stability Conditions
Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University (2019).
At Tsinghua University:
- Spring 2025: Algebra 2
- Fall 2024: Topics in Derived Categories
- Spring 2024: Algebra 0
- Fall 2023: Ordinary Differential Equations
- Spring 2023: Mathematics from Examples (Content and Overview)
- Fall 2022: Geometry and Symmetry (Content)
- Spring 2022: Categories and Dynamical Systems
At UC Berkeley:
- Fall 2021: Honors Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
- Spring 2021: Introduction to Analysis and Introduction to Complex Analysis
- Fall 2020: Honors Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
- Spring 2020: Introduction to Analysis
- Fall 2019: Honors Linear Algebra and Differential Equations and Introduction to Analysis
At Harvard University:
- Spring 2019: Theoretical Multivariable Calculus and Real Analysis (CA)
- Fall 2018: Symplectic Manifolds and Lagrangian Submanifolds (CA)
- Fall 2017: Multivariable Calculus
- Fall 2016: Multivariable Calculus (Coach)
- Geometry and Dynamics Seminar
- Fortnightly links of some new papers on the arXiv
- Advices for asking for a letter of recommendation (mostly from Ravi Vakil)