Fortnightly links (100)
- A twisted derived category of hyper-Kähler varieties of K3[n]-type, by Ruxuan Zhang
- Mukai models of Fano varieties, by Arend Bayer, Alexander Kuznetsov, Emanuele Macrì
- Fourier analysis of equivariant quantum cohomology, by Hiroshi Iritani
- Mirror symmetric Gamma conjecture for toric GIT quotients via Fourier transform, by Konstantin Aleshkin, Bohan Fang, Junxiao Wang
- Calabi-Yau threefolds across quadratic singularities, by Sébastien Picard
- Contractibility and total semi-stability conditions of Euclidean quivers, by Yu Qiu, Xiaoting Zhang
Fortnightly links (99)
Fortnightly links (98)
- The space of augmented stability conditions, by Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Antonios-Alexandros Robotis
- Wall-chamber decompositions for generalized Monge-Ampère equations, by Sohaib Khalid, Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt
- King's Conjecture and Birational Geometry, by Matthew R. Ballard, Christine Berkesch, Michael K. Brown, Lauren Cranton Heller, Daniel Erman, David Favero, Sheel Ganatra, Andrew Hanlon, Jesse Huang
- Cluster algebras and quantum cohomology rings: A-type, by Weiqiang He, Yingchun Zhang
- Hyper-Kähler manifolds from Riemann-Hilbert problems I: Ooguri-Vafa-like model geometries, by Laura Fredrickson, Max Zimet
- Thermodynamic reduction of contact dynamics, by Hyun-Seok Do, Yong-Geun Oh
- Quantum periods, toric degenerations and intrinsic mirror symmetry, by Sam Johnston
- Derived categories of Fano varieties of lines, by Alessio Bottini, Daniel Huybrechts
- The{N/D}-Conjecture for Nonresonant Hyperplane Arrangements, by Baiting Xie, Chenglong Yu
- Combinatorics and large genus asymptotics of the Brézin--Gross--Witten numbers, by Jindong Guo, Paul Norbury, Di Yang, Don Zagier
- Resolution of singularities via Tannaka duality, by Jasper van de Kreeke
- Calabi-Yau techniques for Namikawa-Weyl groups, by Jasper van de Kreeke
Fortnightly links (97)
Fortnightly links (96)
- Invariant Stability Conditions on Certain Calabi-Yau Threefolds, by Tom Bridgeland, Fabrizio Del Monte, Luca Giovenzana
- Full exceptional collections on Fano threefolds and groups generated by spherical twists on K3 surfaces, by Anya Nordskova, Michel Van den Bergh
- BPS Dendroscopy on Local ℙ1×ℙ1, by Bruno Le Floch, Boris Pioline, Rishi Raj
- Numerical spectrums control Cohomological spectrums, by Junyi Xie
- Toric mirrors and test configurations, by Jacopo Stoppa
- Stability condition on a singular surface and its resolution, by Tzu-Yang Chou
Fortnightly links (95)
- The period-index problem for hyperkähler manifolds, by Daniel Huybrechts
- Bridgeland/Weak Stability Conditions under Spherical Twist Associated to A Torsion Sheaf, by Tristan C. Collins, Jason Lo, Yun Shi, Shing-Tung Yau
- Commensurability Among Deligne-Mostow Monodromy Groups, by Chenglong Yu, Zhiwei Zheng
- Icosahedron in birational geometry, by Yuri Prokhorov
- Fourier transforms and a filtration on the Lagrangian cobordism group of tori, by Álvaro Muñiz-Brea
- The monodromy diffeomorphism of weighted singularities and Seiberg--Witten theory, by Hokuto Konno, Jianfeng Lin, Anubhav Mukherjee, Juan Muñoz-Echániz
- Semi-Homogeneous Sheaves and Twisted Derived Categories, by Tyler Lane
- Integral-integral affine geometry, geometric quantization, and Riemann-Roch, by Mark Hamilton, Yael Karshon, Takahiko Yoshida
- Mock modularity of Calabi-Yau threefolds, by Sergey Alexandrov, Khalil Bendriss
- Dualities of K-theoretic Coulomb branches from a once-punctured torus, by Dylan G. L. Allegretti, Peng Shan
Fortnightly links (94)
- Log Calabi-Yau mirror symmetry and non-archimedean disks, by Sean Keel, Tony Yue YU
- Decomposition and framing of F-bundles and applications to quantum cohomology, by Thorgal Hinault, Tony Yue Yu, Chi Zhang, Shaowu Zhang
- Relative Stability Conditions on Triangulated Categories, by Bowen Liu, Dongjian Wu
- Verdier quotients of Calabi-Yau categories from quivers with potential, by Anna Barbieri, Yu Qiu
- Commensurability Among Deligne-Mostow Monodromy Groups, by Chenglong Yu, Zhiwei Zheng
- Twist automorphism for a generalized root system of affine ADE type, by Takumi Otani
- Cubic fourfolds of discriminant 24 and rationality, by Brendan Hassett
- Exponential volumes of moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces, by Alexander B. Goncharov, Zhe Sun
- Mirror symmetry, tropical geometry and representation theory, by Teresa Lüdenbach
- On sums of Betti numbers of affine varieties, by Dingxin Zhang
- A Miyaoka-Yau inequality for hyperplane arrangements in ℂℙn, by Martin de Borbon, Dmitri Panov
- Open enumerative mirror symmetry for lines in the mirror quintic, by Sebastian Haney
- What is... Random Algebraic Geometry?, by Antonio Lerario
Fortnightly links (93)
- The noncommutative MMP for blowup surfaces, by Tomohiro Karube
- Special Lagrangian submanifolds in K3-fibered Calabi-Yau 3-folds, by Shih-Kai Chiu, Yu-Shen Lin
- Filtrations on equivariant quantum cohomology and Hilbert-Poincaré series, by Alexander F. Ritter, Filip Živanović
- Fourier-Mukai partners of abelian varieties and K3 surfaces in positive and mixed characteristics, by Riku Kurama
- T-dual branes on hyperkähler manifolds, by Maria Anna Sisak
- Geometry and Resurgence of WKB Solutions of Schrödinger Equations, by Nikita Nikolaev
- Linking numbers and non-holomorphic Siegel modular forms, by Mads Bjerge Christensen
- Dimension theory of noncommutative curves, by Anirban Bhaduri, Isaac Goldberg, Antonios-Alexandros Robotis
Fortnightly links (92)
- The stability manifold of E×E×E, by Fabian Haiden, Benjamin Sung
- 3d Mirror Symmetry is Mirror Symmetry, by Ki Fung Chan, Naichung Conan Leung
- Highest weight categories and stability conditions, by Alessio Cipriani, Jon Woolf
- Fano visitor problem for K3 surfaces, by Anibal Aravena
- Symmetry in Deformation quantization and Geometric quantization, by Naichung Conan Leung, Qin Li, Ziming Nikolas Ma
- Non-toric brane webs, Calabi-Yau 3-folds, and 5d SCFTs, by Valery Alexeev, Hülya Argüz, Pierrick Bousseau
- Topological monodromy kernels for fundamental groups of discriminant complements, by Nick Salter
- Dubrovin conjecture and the second structure connection, by John Alexander Cruz Morales, Todor Milanov
Fortnightly links (91)
Fortnightly links (90)
- Counting in Calabi--Yau categories, with applications to Hall algebras and knot polynomials, by Mikhail Gorsky, Fabian Haiden
- On the positivity and integrality of coefficients of mirror maps, by Sophie Bleau, Nick Sheridan
- Toric mirror monodromies and Lagrangian spheres, by Vivek Shende
- On the exponential type conjecture, by Zihong Chen
- A smooth but non-symplectic moduli of sheaves on a hyperkähler variety, by Andreas Krug, Fabian Reede, Ziyu Zhang
- Counting subgroups via Mirzakhani's curve counting, by Dounnu Sasaki
- Entropy, cocycles, and their diagrammatics, by Mee Seong Im, Mikhail Khovanov
Fortnightly links (89)
- An upper bound for polynomial volume growth of automorphisms of zero entropy, by Fei Hu, Chen Jiang
- The D-equivalence conjecture for hyper-Kähler varieties via hyperholomorphic bundles, by Davesh Maulik, Junliang Shen, Qizheng Yin
- On L-equivalence for K3 surfaces and hyperkähler manifolds, by Reinder Meinsma
- Landau-Ginzburg models, Monge-Ampere domains and (pre-)Frobenius manifolds, by Noemie C. Combe
- Perverse-Hodge octahedron, by Mirko Mauri
- Motives, mapping class groups, and monodromy, by Daniel Litt
Fortnightly links (88)
- SYZ Mirrors in non-Abelian 3d Mirror Symmetry, by Ki Fung Chan, Naichung Conan Leung
- On the generic existence of WKB spectral networks/Stokes graphs, by Tatsuki Kuwagaki
- Monodromy and vanishing cycles for complete intersection curves, by Ishan Banerjee, Nick Salter
- IVHS via Kuznetsov components and categorical Torelli theorems for weighted hypersurfaces, by Xun Lin, Jørgen Vold Rennemo, Shizhuo Zhang
- Symplectic cohomology relative to a smooth anticanonical divisor, by Daniel Pomerleano, Paul Seidel
- Tropical thermodynamic formalism, by Zhiqiang Li, Yiqing Sun
Fortnightly links (87)
- The Orlov spectra of abelian categories, by Junling Zheng, Yu-Zhe Liu
- Attractors, Geodesics, and the Geometry of Moduli Spaces, by Fabian Ruehle, Benjamin Sung
- A universal mirror to (ℙ2,Ω) as a birational object, by Ailsa Keating, Abigail Ward
- Closed-String Mirror Symmetry for Log Calabi-Yau Surfaces, by Hyunbin Kim
- Toric Exoflops and Categorical Resolutions, by Tyler L. Kelly, Aimeric Malter
- Enumerative geometry and modularity in two-modulus K3-fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds, by Charles Doran, Boris Pioline, Thorsten Schimannek
- Castelnuovo bound for curves in projective 3-folds, by Zhiyu Liu
- Stability Conditions on ℙ3, by Dongjian Wu, Nantao Zhang
- Enumerating Finite Braid Group Orbits on $SL_2(\C)$-Character Varieties, by Amal Vayalinkal
- Revisiting the Classical McKay Correspondence, Derived Equivalences and the Spectrum of Kleinian Surface Singularities: A Look Through the Mirror, by Enrique Becerra, Ludmil Katzarkov, Ernesto Lupercio
- Rigidity and classification results for large-type Artin groups, by Jingyin Huang, Damian Osajda, Nicolas Vaskou
- The dynamics of the Hesse derivative on the j-invariant, by Jake Kettinger
- String Moduli Spaces and Parabolic Factorizations, by Paul S. Aspinwall
Fortnightly links (86)
Fortnightly links (85)
- Thick subcategories on weighted projective curves and nilpotent representations of quivers, by Alexey Elagin
- Resurgence and Riemann-Hilbert problems for elliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds, by Tom Bridgeland, Iván Tulli
- Perverse schobers, stability conditions and quadratic differentials II: relative graded Brauer graph algebras, by Merlin Christ, Fabian Haiden, Yu Qiu
- Real variations of stability on K3 categories, by Samuel Lewis
- Canonical heights, periods and the Hurwitz zeta function, by Rolf Andreasson, Robert J. Berman
- Algebraic cycles and Hitchin systems, by Davesh Maulik, Junliang Shen, Qizheng Yin
- Toward Qin's Conjecture on Hilbert schemes of points and quasi-modular forms, by Mazen M Alhwaimel
- Rational, trigonometric, elliptic algebras and moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces, by Andrei Neguţ
- Complex reflection groups as differential Galois groups, by Carlos E. Arreche, Avery Bainbridge, Benjamin Obert, Alavi Ullah
- Derived Categories of Grassmannians: a Survey, by Anton Fonarev
Fortnightly links (84)
- Semiorthogonal decompositions of projective spaces from small quantum cohomology, by Vanja Zuliani
- Geometrical finiteness for automorphism groups via cone conjecture, by Kohei Kikuta
- On the P=C conjecture and refined BPS invariants for local ℙ2, by Weite Pi, Junliang Shen
- Dynamical Morse entropy, by Mélanie Bertelson, Misha Gromov
- Canonical Filtrations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras, by Trevor Jones
- Enriques surfaces of zero entropy, by Gebhard Martin, Giacomo Mezzedimi, Davide Cesare Veniani
- Atomic sheaves on hyper-Kähler manifolds via Bridgeland moduli spaces, by Hanfei Guo, Zhiyu Liu
- The systole of random hyperbolic 3-manifolds, by Anna Roig-Sanchis
- Finite Groups of Symplectic Automorphisms of Supersingular K3 surfaces in Odd Characteristics, by Bin Wang, Zhiwei Zheng
- On a p-adic version of Narasimhan and Seshadri's theorem, by Fabrizio Andreatta
- Cohomological Hall algebras for 3-Calabi-Yau categories, by Tasuki Kinjo, Hyeonjun Park, Pavel Safronov
- Homological mirror symmetry for Rabinowitz Fukaya categories of Milnor fibers of Brieskorn-Pham singularities, by Yanki Lekili, Kazushi Ueda
Fortnightly links (83)
- Harder-Narasimhan filtrations of persistence modules: metric stability, by Marc Fersztand
- Higher dimensional moduli spaces on Kuznetsov components of Fano threefolds, by Chunyi Li, Yinbang Lin, Laura Pertusi, Xiaolei Zhao
- Some applications of canonical metrics to Landau-Ginzburg models, by Jacopo Stoppa
- Quiver Hecke algebras from Floer homology in Couloumb branches, by Mina Aganagic, Ivan Danilenko, Yixuan Li, Vivek Shende, Peng Zhou
- Hypertoric Fukaya categories and categories O, by Laurent Côté, Benjamin Gammage, Justin Hilburn
- Homological mirror symmetry for Batyrev mirror pairs, by Sheel Ganatra, Andrew Hanlon, Jeff Hicks, Daniel Pomerleano, Nick Sheridan
- The 3d-index of the 3d-skein module via the quantum trace map, by Stavros Garoufalidis, Tao Yu
- Categories of Line Defects and Cohomological Hall Algebras, by Davide Gaiotto, Nikita Grygoryev, Wei Li
Fortnightly links (82)
- Counter-examples to Gamma conjecture I, by Sergey Galkin, Jianxun Hu, Hiroshi Iritani, Huazhong Ke, Changzheng Li, Zhitong Su
- Topological Laplace Transform and Decomposition of nc-Hodge Structures, by Tony Yue Yu, Shaowu Zhang
- Degenerations and Fibrations of K3 Surfaces: Lattice Polarisations and Mirror Symmetry, by Luca Giovenzana, Alan Thompson
- A new proof of the Bondal-Orlov reconstruction using Matsui spectra, by Daigo Ito, Hiroki Matsui
- Dynamical degrees of automorphisms of K3 surfaces with Picard number 2, by Yuta Takada
Fortnightly links (81)
- A Gromov-Witten approach to G-equivariant birational invariants, by Leonardo F. Cavenaghi, Lino Grama, Ludmil Katzarkov
- On automorphism groups of smooth hypersurfaces, by Song Yang, Xun Yu, Zigang Zhu
- The Geometry of Three-Forms on Symplectic Six-Manifolds, by Teng Fei
- Fukaya Categories of Hyperplane Arrangements, by Sukjoo Lee, Yin Li, Si-Yang Liu, Cheuk-Yu Mak
- The period-index conjecture for abelian threefolds and Donaldson-Thomas theory, by James Hotchkiss, Alexander Perry
- Quantum Steenrod operations and Fukaya categories, by Zihong Chen
- K3 surfaces associated to a cubic fourfold, by Claudio Pedrini
- The Hamiltonian reduction of hypertoric mirror symmetry, by Michael McBreen, Vivek Shende, Peng Zhou
- Equivariant classes of orbits in GL(2)-representations, by Anand Deopurkar
- Non-Perturbative Corrections to 3d BPS Indices and Topological Strings, by Hans Jockers
Fortnightly links (80)
- New look at Milnor Spheres, by Leonardo Cavenaghi, Lino Grama, Ludmil Katzarkov
- Fourier-Mukai loci of K3 surfaces of Picard number one, by Yuki Hirano, Genki Ouchi
- Central charges in local mirror symmetry via hypergeometric duality, by Zengrui Han
- Mirror Construction for Nakajima Quiver Varieties, by Jiawei Hu, Siu-Cheong Lau, Ju Tan
- Gromov-Witten Invariants and Mirror Symmetry for Non-Fano Varieties Using Scattering Diagrams, by Per Berglund, Tim Gräfnitz, Michael Lathwood
- Virasoro constraints for K3 surfaces and monodromy operators, by Weisheng Wang
- Finite distance problem on the moduli of non-Kähler Calabi--Yau ∂∂¯-threefolds, by Tsung-Ju Lee
- Obstruction classes for moduli spaces of sheaves and Lagrangian fibrations, by Dominique Mattei, Reinder Meinsma
- Filtered Stokes G-local Systems in Nonabelian Hodge Theory on Curves, by Pengfei Huang, Hao Sun
- A remark on the B-model Comparison of Hodge structures, by Junwu Tu
Fortnightly links (79)
- Length of triangulated categories, by Yuki Hirano, Genki Ouchi
- Continuum envelops on Fargues-Fontaine curves and elliptic curves, by Heng Du, Qingyuan Jiang, Yucheng Liu
- Invariant stability conditions on local ℙ1×ℙ1 (after Del Monte-Longhi), by Yirui Xiong
- Non-archimedean SYZ fibrations via tropical contractions, by Yuto Yamamoto
- Strong-weak symmetry and quantum modularity of resurgent topological strings on local ℙ2, by Veronica Fantini, Claudia Rella
- The moduli space of a rational map is Carathéodory hyperbolic, by Zhuchao Ji, Junyi Xie
- Modular curves X1(n) as moduli spaces of point arrangements and applications, by Lev Borisov, Xavier Roulleau
- d-elliptic loci and the Torelli map, by François Greer, Carl Lian
- A note on Seshadri constants, Gromov widths of toric surfaces and lattice widths of polygons, by Atsushi Ito
- Lagrangian families of Bridgeland moduli spaces from Gushel-Mukai fourfolds and double EPW cubes, by Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Hanfei Guo, Zhiyu Liu, Shizhuo Zhang
- Stability conditions on crepant resolutions of quotients of product varieties, by Alexander Perry, Saket Shah
Fortnightly links (78)
- HMS symmetries of toric boundary divisors, by Špela Špenko, Michel Van den Bergh
- WKB asymptotics of Stokes matrices, spectral curves and rhombus inequalities, by Anton Alekseev, Andrew Neitzke, Xiaomeng Xu, Yan Zhou
- Deformations of highly symmetric Calabi-Yau Grassmannian hypersurfaces, by Adriana Salerno, Ursula Whitcher, Chenglong Yu
- Calabi-Yau threefolds with boundary, by Simon Donaldson, Fabian Lehmann
- A geometric realization of Koszul duality for graded gentle algebras, by Zixu Li, Yu Qiu, Yu Zhou
Fortnightly links (77)
- Some density results for hyperkähler manifolds, by Yajnaseni Dutta, Elham Izadi, Ljudmila Kamenova, Lisa Marquand
- On the dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture in positive characteristic, by Junyi Xie, She Yang
- On Mirror Symmetry and Irrationality of Zeta Values, by Andreas Malmendier, Michael T. Schultz
- Moduli spaces of quadratic differentials: Abel-Jacobi map and deformation, by Yu Qiu
- Crossing number of curves on surfaces, by Jasmin Jörg
Fortnightly links (76)
- A smooth Birman-Hilden theory for hyperkähler manifolds, by Sidhanth Raman
- Special Joyce structures and hyperkähler metrics, by Iván Tulli
- Embedding Theorems for Calabi--Yau Conifolds, by Yohsuke Imagi
- Essential dimensions of isogenies, by Ziquan Zhuang
- Motives, Periods, and Functoriality, by Pierre Deligne, A. Raghuram
- Eigenvalues and the stabilized automorphism group, by Bastián Espinoza, Jennifer N. Jones-Baro
- Cluster deep loci and mirror symmetry, by Marco Castronovo, Mikhail Gorsky, José Simental, David E Speyer
- KIAS Lectures on Symplectic Aspects of Degenerations, by Jonathan David Evans
- Introduction to the monodromy conjecture, by Willem Veys
- Monodromy of stratified braid groups, II, by Nick Salter
- Generation time for biexact functors and Koszul objects in triangulated categories, by Janina C. Letz, Marc Stephan
Fortnightly links (75)
- Filtrations on derived category of twisted K3 surfaces, by Zhiyuan Li, Ruxuan Zhang, Xun Zhang
- Fully faithful functors, skyscraper sheaves, and birational equivalence, by Chunyi Li, Xun Lin, Xiaolei Zhao
- Algebraic dynamics and recursive inequalities, by Junyi Xie
- Heavenly metrics, hyper-Lagrangians and Joyce structures, by Maciej Dunajski, Timothy Moy
- Apollonian carpets and the boundary of the Kahler cone of a hyperkahler manifold, by Ekaterina Amerik, Andrey Soldatenkov, Misha Verbitsky
- Holomorphic Floer theory I: exponential integrals in finite and infinite dimensions, by Maxim Kontsevich, Yan Soibelman
- Zeta functions of dynamically tame Liouville domains, by Michael Hutchings
- Frobenius pushforwards of of vector bundles on projective spaces, by Feliks Rączka
- Formal Siegel modular forms for arithmetic subgroups, by Jan Hendrik Bruinier, Martin Raum
- B-brane Transport and Grade Restriction Rule for Determinantal Varieties, by Ban Lin, Mauricio Romo
- Thurston obstructions and tropical geometry, by Rohini Ramadas
- On operadic open-closed maps in characteristic p, by Zihong Chen
Fortnightly links (74)
Fortnightly links (73)
- Donaldson-Thomas invariants for the Bridgeland-Smith correspondence, by Omar Kidwai, Nicholas J. Williams
- Curved Fukaya algebras and the Dubrovin spectrum, by Marco Castronovo
- On the number of real forms of a complex variety, by Gerard van der Geer, Xun Yu
- Skein algebras and quantized Coulomb branches, by Dylan G. L. Allegretti, Peng Shan
- Big monodromy for higher Prym representations, by Aaron Landesman, Daniel Litt, Will Sawin
- Dynamical displacements, persistence and semiconjugacies, by Philip Boyland
- Ray-Singer Torsion, Topological Strings and Black Holes, by Cumrun Vafa
Fortnightly links (72)
- Stability Conditions and Semiorthogonal Decompositions I: Quasi-convergence, by Daniel Halpern Leistner, Jeffrey Jiang, Antonios-Alexandros Robotis
- Calabi-Yau Varieties via Cyclic Covers, and Complex Hyperbolic Structures for their Moduli Spaces, by Chenglong Yu, Zhiwei Zheng
- Bounded t-structures, finitistic dimensions, and singularity categories of triangulated categories, by Rudradip Biswas, Hongxing Chen, Kabeer Manali Rahul, Chris J. Parker, Junhua Zheng
- Connections between K-stability and Vojta's conjecture, by Jackson S. Morrow, Yueqiao Wu
- Linear subspaces of the intersection of two quadrics via Kuznetsov component, by Yanjie Li, Shizhuo Zhang
- Equivariant Kuznetsov Components of Certain Cubic Fourfolds, by Xianyu Hu
- Unlikely intersections problem for automorphisms of Markov surfaces, by Marc Abboud
Fortnightly links (71)
Fortnightly links (70)
- A smooth compactification of spaces of stability conditions: the case of the An-quiver, by Anna Barbieri, Martin Möller, Jeonghoon So
- The volume of a divisor and cusp excursions of geodesics in hyperbolic manifolds, by Simion Filip, John Lesieutre, Valentino Tosatti
- Integrality of mirror maps and arithmetic homological mirror symmetry for Greene--Plesser mirrors, by Sheel Ganatra, Andrew Hanlon, Jeff Hicks, Daniel Pomerleano, Nick Sheridan
- Quantum Steenrod operations of symplectic resolutions, by Jae Hee Lee
- On fiber and base decompositions in the Fukaya category of a symplectic Landau-Ginzburg model, by Haniya Azam, Catherine Cannizzo, Heather Lee, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
- A perturbative construction of primitive forms from log Landau-Ginzburg mirrors of toric manifolds, by Kwokwai Chan, Ziming Nikolas Ma, Hao Wen
- Scattering diagrams and Jeffrey-Kirwan residues, by Sara Angela Filippini, Jacopo Stoppa
- Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds, by Dylan Butson
- Open WDVV Equations and Frobenius Structures for Toric Calabi-Yau 3-Folds, by Song Yu, Zhengyu Zong
- Regular polygons, line operators, and elliptic modular surfaces as realization spaces of matroids, by Lukas Kühne, Xavier Roulleau
- N-spherical functors and tensor categories, by Kevin Coulembier, Pavel Etingof
- Skein and cluster algebras with coefficients for unpunctured surfaces, by Tsukasa Ishibashi, Shunsuke Kano, Wataru Yuasa
- SYZ mirror of Hirzebruch surface 𝔽k and Morse homotopy, by Hayato Nakanishi
- Deformation quantization and perverse sheaves, by Sam Gunningham, Pavel Safronov
- Hénon maps: a list of open problems, by Pierre Berger, Eric Bedford, Fabrizio Bianchi, Xavier Buff, Sylvain Crovisier, Tien-Cuong Dinh, Romain Dujardin, Charles Favre, Tanya Firsova, Patrick Ingram, Yutaka Ishii, Liviana Palmisano, Enrique Pujals, Jasmin Raissy, Sonja Štimac, Gabriel Vigny
- Simple Braids Tend toward Positive Entropy, by Luke Robitaille, Minh-Tâm Quang Trinh
- Fully Triangulated Categories, by Husniyah Alzubaidi, Antony Maciocia
Fortnightly links (69)
- Refined Harder-Narasimhan filtrations in moduli theory, by Andrés Ibáñez Núñez
- Normal Forms and Tyurin Degenerations of K3 Surfaces Polarised by a Rank 18 Lattice, by Charles F. Doran, Joseph Prebble, Alan Thompson
- Equivariant birational types and derived categories, by Christian Böhning, Hans-Christian Graf von Bothmer, Yuri Tschinkel
- Canonical heights for abelian group actions of maximal dynamical rank, by Fei Hu, Guolei Zhong
- On the dynamics of endomorphisms of affine surfaces, by Marc Abboud
- Descent with algebraic structures for symplectic cohomology, by Umut Varolgunes
- A long exact sequence on the composition of Dehn twists, by Shuo Zhang
- Intersections of Dual SL3-Webs, by Linhui Shen, Zhe Sun, Daping Weng
- Number of full exceptional collections modulo spherical twists for elliptic orbifolds, by Atsushi Takahashi, Hongxia Zhang
- Moduli of K3 families over ℙ1, cycle spaces of IHS period domains, and deformations of complex-hyperkähler metrics, by Daniel Greb, Martin Schwald
- Advances in the equivariant minimal model program and their applications in complex and arithmetic dynamics, by Sheng Meng, De-Qi Zhang
Fortnightly links (68)
- Pseudo-Anosov autoquivalances arising from Symplectic topology and their hyperbolic actions on stability conditions, by Hanwool Bae, Sangjin Lee
- Riemann-Hilbert problems from rank 3 WKB spectral networks, by Dongjian Wu
- A short computation of the Rouquier dimension for a cycle of projective lines, by Andrew Hanlon, Jeff Hicks
- Fukaya category on a symplectic manifold with a B-field, by Haniya Azam, Catherine Cannizzo, Heather Lee, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
- Hadamard products and BPS networks, by Mohamed Elmi
- 4d Crystal Melting, Toric Calabi-Yau 4-Folds and Brane Brick Models, by Sebastián Franco
- Comments on Fano varieties with torsion in H3(X,ℤ) by J. C. Ottem and J. V. Rennemo, by János Kollár
- Analytic theory of Legendre-type transformations for a Frobenius manifold, by Di Yang
Fortnightly links (67)
- Toric vector bundles, non-abelianization, and spectral networks, by Yat-Hin Suen
- Weil-Petersson volumes, stability conditions and wall-crossing, by Lukas Anagnostou, Scott Mullane, Paul Norbury
- Autoequivalences of Blow-Ups of Minimal Surfaces, by Xianyu Hu, Johannes Krah
- Stability manifolds of Kuznetsov components of prime Fano threefolds, by Changping Fan, Zhiyu Liu, Songtao Kenneth Ma
- Exceptional collections and phantoms of special Dolgachev surfaces, by Ilya Karzhemanov, Ludmil Katzarkov
- Cubic threefolds moduli and the Monster group, by Eduard Looijenga
- The birational geometry of Markov numbers, by Giancarlo Urzúa, Juan Pablo Zúñiga
- Cyclic covers: Hodge theory and categorical Torelli theorems, by Hannah Dell, Augustinas Jacovskis, Franco Rota
- Gromov--Witten/Pandharipande--Thomas correspondence via conifold transitions, by Yinbang Lin, Sz-Sheng Wang
- Spectral invariants over the integers, by Yusuke Kawamoto, Egor Shelukhin
- Floer theory for the variation operator of an isolated singularity, by Hanwool Bae, Cheol-Hyun Cho, Dongwook Choa, Wonbo Jeong
- The Mukai conjecture for Fano quiver moduli, by Markus Reineke
- On the spectral variety for rank two Higgs bundles, by Siqi He, Jie Liu
- Quadratic Differentials as Stability Conditions of Graded Skew-gentle Algebras, by Suiqi Lu, Yu Qiu, Dongjian Wu
- Hodge-theoretic variants of the Hopf and Singer Conjectures, by Donu Arapura, Laurentiu Maxim, Botong Wang
- On generating mapping class groups by pseudo-Anosov elements, by Susumu Hirose, Naoyuki Monden
Fortnightly links (66)
- Cross-ratio degrees and triangulations, by Rob Silversmith
- A Note on Spherical Bundles on K3 Surfaces, by Chunyi Li, Shengxuan Liu
- Serre algebra, matrix factorization and categorical Torelli theorem for hypersurfaces, by Xun Lin, Shizhuo Zhang
- On the virtual invariants of zero entropy groups of compact Kähler manifolds, by Tien-Cuong Dinh, Hsueh-Yung Lin, Keiji Oguiso, De-Qi Zhang
- Motivic cluster multiplication formulas in 2-Calabi-Yau categories, by Jie Xiao, Fan Xu, Fang Yang
- Mirror symmetry and the Breuil-Mézard Conjecture, by Tony Feng, Bao Le Hung
- Finiteness of pointed maps to moduli spaces of polarized varieties, by Ariyan Javanpeykar, Steven Lu, Ruiran Sun, Kang Zuo
- On the Solvability of General Inverse σk Equations, by Chao-Ming Lin
Fortnightly links (65)
- Algebraic intersection, lengths and Veech surfaces, by Julien Boulanger
- Higher Chow cycles on some K3 surfaces with involution, by Shouhei Ma, Ken Sato
- Families of automorphisms of abelian varieties, by Charles Favre, Alexandra Kuznetsova
- Rationality and arithmetic of the moduli of abelian varieties, by Daniel Loughran, Gregory Sankaran
- The heart fan of an abelian category, by Nathan Broomhead, David Pauksztello, David Ploog, Jon Woolf
- Automorphism groups of deformations and quantizations of Kleinian singularities, by Simone Castellan
- Dynamics of automorphism groups of projective surfaces: classification, examples and outlook, by Serge Cantat, Romain Dujardin
- Floer potentials, cluster algebras and quiver representations, by Peter Albers, Maria Bertozzi, Markus Reineke
- Perverse coherent extensions on Calabi-Yau threefolds and representations of cohomological Hall algebras, by Dylan Butson, Miroslav Rapcak
- Hodge and Frobenius colevels of algebraic varieties, by Daqing Wan, Dingxin Zhang
- The multiplier spectrum morphism is generically injective, by Zhuchao Ji, Junyi Xie
- P=W phenomena in algebraic and enumerative geometry, by Camilla Felisetti
- Kappa classes on KSBA spaces, by Valery Alexeev
- On the cone conjecture for log Calabi-Yau mirrors of Fano 3-folds, by Jennifer Li
- Adjoints, wrapping, and morphisms at infinity, by Tatsuki Kuwagaki, Vivek Shende
- Holomorphic discs of negative Maslov index and extended deformations in mirror symmetry, by Denis Auroux
- Hyperelliptic families and 4d N=2 SCFT, by Dan Xie, Zekai Yu
Fortnightly links (64)
- Gluing of Fourier-Mukai partners in a triangular spectrum and birational geometry, by Daigo Ito
- K-stability and large complex structure limits, by Jacopo Stoppa
- Hofer-Zehnder conjecture for toric manifolds, by Shaoyun Bai, Guangbo Xu
- Quantum spectrum and Gamma structures for quasi-homogeneous polynomials of general type, by Yefeng Shen, Ming Zhang
- Modelling A-branes with foliations, by Sibasish Banerjee, Pietro Longhi, Mauricio Romo
- The P=W identity for isolated cluster varieties: full rank case, by Zili Zhang
- Morse superpotentials and blow-ups of surfaces, by Hansol Hong, Hyunbin Kim
- The Ray-Singer torsion, by John Lott
- On finite categories of algebraic varieties, by Junho Peter Whang
Fortnightly links (63)
- Mirror symmetric Gamma conjecture for del Pezzo surfaces, by Bohan Fang, Junxiao Wang, Yan Zhou
- Relating categorical dimensions in topology and symplectic geometry, by Andrew Hanlon, Jeff Hicks, Oleg Lazarev
- The quantum connection, Fourier-Laplace transform, and families of A-infinity-categories, by Daniel Pomerleano, Paul Seidel
- Meromorphic Projective Structures, Opers and Monodromy, by Titouan Sérandour
- Perverse filtrations and Fourier transforms, by Davesh Maulik, Junliang Shen, Qizheng Yin
- Special geometry, quasi-modularity and attractor flow for BPS structures, by Murad Alim, Florian Beck, Anna Biggs, Daniel Bryan
- Resurgent large genus asymptotics of intersection numbers, by Bertrand Eynard, Elba Garcia-Failde, Alessandro Giacchetto, Paolo Gregori, Danilo Lewański
- Central elements in the SLd-skein algebra of a surface, by Francis Bonahon, Vijay Higgins
- A topological viewpoint on curves via intersection, by Hugo Parlier, Binbin Xu
- Non-simple systoles on random hyperbolic surfaces for large genus, by Yuxin He, Yang Shen, Yunhui Wu, Yuhao Xue
- The Deligne-Mostow 9-ball, and the monster, by Daniel Allcock, Tathagata Basak
Fortnightly links (62)
- Automorphism groups of cubic fivefolds and fourfolds, by Song Yang, Xun Yu, Zigang Zhu
- 3-dimensional mirror symmetry, by Ben Webster, Philsang Yoo
- Finiteness of stable Lagrangian fibrations, by Ljudmila Kamenova
- On the transcendental lattices of Hyperkähler manifolds, by Benedetta Piroddi, Ángel David Ríos Ortiz
- Special Kähler geometry and holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations, by Yang Li, Valentino Tosatti
- Monodromy and mapping class groups of 3-dimensional hypersurfaces, by Oscar Randal-Williams
- Quivers and curves in higher dimension, by Hülya Argüz, Pierrick Bousseau
- Homological algebra and moduli spaces in topological field theories, by Kenji Fukaya
- Bow varieties: Stable envelopes and their 3d mirror symmetry, by Tommaso Maria Botta, Richard Rimanyi
- A∞ -Deformations and their Derived Categories, by Jasper van de Kreeke
- The Geometric Bombieri-Lang Conjecture for Ramified Covers of Abelian Varieties, by Junyi Xie, Xinyi Yuan
Fortnightly links (61)
- The number of full exceptional collections modulo spherical twists for extended Dynkin quivers, by Takumi Otani, Yuuki Shiraishi, Atsushi Takahashi
- Modularity of Landau-Ginzburg models, by Charles Doran, Andrew Harder, Ludmil Katzarkov, Mikhail Ovcharenko, Victor Przyjalkowski
- On numerically trivial automorphisms of compact hyperkähler manifolds of dimension 4, by Chen Jiang, Wenfei Liu
- Finite braid group orbits on SL2-character varieties, by Yeuk Hay Joshua Lam, Aaron Landesman, Daniel Litt
- Cohomological and categorical concentration, by Adeel A. Khan, Charanya Ravi
- Presentations of mapping class groups and an application to cluster algebras from surfaces, by Jinlei Dong, Fang Li
- Quantum D-modules of toric varieties and oscillatory integrals, by Hiroshi Iritani
- Gamma classes and quantum cohomology, by Hiroshi Iritani
- Mirror symmetric Gamma conjecture for Fano and Calabi-Yau manifolds, by Hiroshi Iritani
- Gamma conjecture and tropical geometry, by Hiroshi Iritani
- A Characterization of Entropy as a Universal Monoidal Natural Transformation, by Cheuk Ting Li
Fortnightly links (60)
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Fortnightly links (58)
Fortnightly links (57)
- Intersection Number, Length, and Systole on Compact Hyperbolic Surfaces, by Tina Torkaman
- Constructing polylogarithms on higher-genus Riemann surfaces, by Eric D'Hoker, Martijn Hidding, Oliver Schlotterer
- Tetrahedron instantons in Donaldson-Thomas theory, by Nadir Fasola, Sergej Monavari
- Reductive Shafarevich Conjecture, by Ya Deng, Katsutoshi Yamanoi, Ludmil Katzarkov
- When the Fourier transform is one loop exact?, by Maxim Kontsevich, Alexander Odesskii
- Stability for Line Bundles and Deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills Equation on Some Elliptic Surfaces, by Tristan C. Collins, Jason Lo, Yun Shi, Shing-Tung Yau
- Hameomorphism Groups of Positive Genus Surfaces, by Cheuk Yu Mak, Ibrahim Trifa
Fortnightly links (56)
- Topological model for q-deformed rational number and categorification, by Li Fan, Yu Qiu
- Deformed Mirror Symmetry for Punctured Surfaces, by Raf Bocklandt, Jasper van de Kreeke
- On compactifications of the SL(2,C) character varieties of punctured surfaces, by Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani, Charles Frohman
- Analytic continuation of better-behaved GKZ systems and Fourier-Mukai transforms, by Zengrui Han
- Geometric local systems on the projective line minus four points, by Yeuk Hay Joshua Lam, Daniel Litt
- Family Floer SYZ conjecture for An singularity, by Hang Yuan
- Partial Heights and the Geometric Bombieri-Lang Conjecture, by Junyi Xie, Xinyi Yuan
- Derived categories of Fano threefolds and degenerations, by Alexander Kuznetsov, Evgeny Shinder
- Deciding periodicity on algebraic varieties, by Junho Peter Whang
- Quantum Frobenius splittings and cluster structures, by Jinfeng Song
- Labeled four cycles and the K(π,1)-conjecture for Artin groups, by Jingyin Huang
Fortnightly links (55)
- Bloch's conjecture for (anti-)autoequivalences on K3 surfaces, by Zhiyuan Li, Xun Yu, Ruxuan Zhang
- Automorphisms of K3 surfaces and cyclotomic polynomials, by Eva Bayer-Fluckiger
- On Chern classes of Lagrangian fibered hyper-Kähler manifolds, by Claire Voisin
- Moduli spaces of stable objects in Enriques categories, by Alexander Perry, Laura Pertusi, Xiaolei Zhao
- Coulomb branch algebras via symplectic cohomology, by Eduardo Gonzalez, Cheuk Yu Mak, Daniel Pomerleano
- Newton--Okounkov bodies and minimal models for cluster varieties, by Lara Bossinger, Man-Wai Cheung, Timothy Magee, Alfredo Nájera Chávez
- Mixed Hodge structures and Siegel operators, by Shouhei Ma
Fortnightly links (54)
- Equivariant Fukaya categories at singular values, by Yanki Lekili, Ed Segal
- Semi-stable degenerations of Calabi-Yau manifolds and mirror P=W conjecture, by Sukjoo Lee
- The Chow-Kontsevich dilogarithm, by Sinan Ünver
- On the non-abelian Hodge locus I, by Philip Engel, Salim Tayou
- Brill-Noether theory of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces, by Arend Bayer, Huachen Chen, Qingyuan Jiang
- Hodge-Elliptic genera, K3 surfaces and Enumerative Geometry, by Michele Cirafici
- 3d mirror symmetry of braided tensor categories, by Andrew Ballin, Thomas Creutzig, Tudor Dimofte, Wenjun Niu
- On Fourier-Mukai type autoequivalences of Kuznetsov components of cubic threefolds, by Ziqi Liu
- Categorifying Zeta Functions of Hyperelliptic Curves, by Jon Aycock, Andrew Kobin
Fortnightly links (53)
Fortnightly links (52)
- Triangulation, Persistence, and Fukaya categories, by Paul Biran, Octav Cornea, Jun Zhang
- Perverse schobers, stability conditions and quadratic differentials, by Merlin Christ, Fabian Haiden, Yu Qiu
- Mapping Class Groups of Simply Connected Kähler Manifolds, by Richard Hain
- Derived equivalence of elliptic K3 surfaces and Jacobians, by Reinder Meinsma, Evgeny Shinder
- Vanishing of Brauer classes on K3 surfaces under specialization, by Davesh Maulik, Salim Tayou
- Deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equation on rational homogeneous varieties, by Eder M. Correa
- New perspectives on categorical Torelli theorems for del Pezzo threefolds, by Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Zhiyu Liu, Shizhuo Zhang
- Moduli spaces on Kuznetsov components are Irreducible Symplectic Varieties, by Giulia Saccaà
- A Phantom on a Rational Surface, by Johannes Krah
Fortnightly links (51)
- Tau functions from Joyce structures, by Tom Bridgeland
- Moduli spaces and period mappings of genus one fibered K3 surfaces, by Benson Farb, Eduard Looijenga
- Toric non-archimedean μ-entropy and thermodynamical structure, by Eiji Inoue
- The polarized degree of irrationality of K3 surfaces, by Federico Moretti
- Homological mirror symmetry for complete intersections in algebraic tori, by Hayato Morimura, Nicolò Sibilla, Peng Zhou
- Homological mirror symmetry of toric Fano surfaces via Morse homotopy, by Hayato Nakanishi
- Koszul duality for Coxeter groups, by Simon Riche, Cristian Vay
- Flat endomorphisms for mod p equivariant quantum connections from quantum Steenrod operations, by Jae Hee Lee
- BPS States Meet Generalized Cohomology, by Dmitry Galakhov
Fortnightly links (50)
- BCOV cusp forms of lattice polarized K3 surfaces, by Shinobu Hosono, Atsushi Kanazawa
- Half-spherical twists on derived categories of coherent sheaves, by Hayato Arai
- Asymmetry of ℙ-Functors, by Andreas Hochenegger, Andreas Krug
- The K3 category of a cubic fourfold -- an update, by Daniel Huybrechts
- Involutions on K3 surfaces and derived equivalence, by Brendan Hassett, Yuri Tschinkel
- Scattering diagrams in mirror symmetry, by Veronica Fantini
- Train track combinatorics and cluster algebras, by Shunsuke Kano
- Langlands duality for skein modules of 3-manifolds, by David Jordan
- F-Polynomials of Donaldson-Thomas Transformations, by Daping Weng
Fortnightly links (49)
Fortnightly links (48)
- Quivers, Flow Trees, and Log Curves, by Hülya Argüz, Pierrick Bousseau
- Dynamical degrees of automorphisms of complex simple abelian varieties and Salem numbers, by Yutaro Sugimoto
- Mirror Map for Landau-Ginzburg models with nonabelian groups, by Annabelle Clawson, Drew Johnson, Duncan Morais, Nathan Priddis, Caroline B. White
- Metric SYZ conjecture for certain toric Fano hypersurfaces, by Yang Li
- Flux Vacua and Modularity for ℤ2 Symmetric Calabi-Yau Manifolds, by Philip Candelas, Xenia de la Ossa, Pyry Kuusela, Joseph McGovern
- The p-adic approximations of vertex functions via 3D-mirror symmetry, by Andrey Smirnov, Alexander Varchenko
Fortnightly links (47)
- Fourier-Mukai transforms and the decomposition theorem for integrable systems, by Davesh Maulik, Junliang Shen, Qizheng Yin
- Quantum geometry, stability and modularity, by Sergei Alexandrov, Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Albrecht Klemm, Boris Pioline, Thorsten Schimannek
- Counting equivariant sheaves on K3 surfaces, by Yunfeng Jiang, Hao Max Sun
- Symplectomorphisms and spherical objects in the conifold smoothing, by Ailsa Keating, Ivan Smith
- Stability conditions on degenerated elliptic curves, by Tomohiro Karube
- Mixed mock modularity of special divisors, by Philip Engel, François Greer, Salim Tayou
- Floer Cohomology and Higher Mutations, by Soham Chanda
Fortnightly links (46)
- Braid group actions on branched coverings and full exceptional sequences, by Wen Chang, Fabian Haiden, Sibylle Schroll
- Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates for SL(3,C) representations, by Rodrigo Dávila Figueroa, John R Parker
- Mirror symmetry and Hitchin systems on DM curves: SYZ Duality, by Yonghong Huang
- On Hypergeometric Duality Conjecture, by Lev Borisov, Zengrui Han
- Modularity of counting functions of convex planar polygons with rationality conditions, by Kathrin Bringmann, Jonas Kaszian, Jie Zhou
- Differential forms on universal K3 surfaces, by Shouhei Ma
Fortnightly links (45)
Fortnightly links (44)
Fortnightly links (43)
Fortnightly links (42)
Fortnightly links (41)
Fortnightly links (40)
Fortnightly links (39)
- Spherical twists, relations and the center of autoequivalence groups of K3 surfaces, by Federico Barbacovi, Kohei Kikuta
- Shafarevich mappings and period mappings, by Mark Green, Phillip Griffiths, Ludmil Katzarkov
- Special representatives of complexified Kähler classes, by Carlo Scarpa, Jacopo Stoppa
- Intersection numbers on fibrations and Catalan numbers, by Rimma Hämäläinen, Jason Lo, Edward Morales
- Nef cones of fiber products and an application to the Cone Conjecture, by Cécile Gachet, Hsueh-Yung Lin, Long Wang
Fortnightly links (38)
- Dynamics of composite symplectic Dehn twists, by Wenmin Gong, Zhijing Wendy Wang, Jinxin Xue
- A functorial approach to rank functions on triangulated categories, by Teresa Conde, Mikhail Gorsky, Frederik Marks, Alexandra Zvonareva
- A comparison of categorical and topological entropies on Weinstein manifolds, by Hanwool Bae, Sangjin Lee
- Categorical Torelli theorem for hypersurfaces, by Dmitrii Pirozhkov
- The P=W conjecture for GLn, by Davesh Maulik, Junliang Shen
- Some cute applications of Lagrangian cobordisms towards examples in quantitative symplectic geometry, by Jeff Hicks, Cheuk Yu Mak
- Recent progress on SYZ mirror symmetry for some non-compact Calabi-Yau surfaces, by Tristan C. Collins, Yu-Shen Lin
Fortnightly links (37)
- Limits of Cubic Differentials and Buildings, by John Loftin, Andrea Tamburelli, Michael Wolf
- 3d spectral networks and classical Chern-Simons theory, by Daniel S. Freed, Andrew Neitzke
- Derived equivalences of generalized Kummer varieties, by Pablo Magni
- Determinants, even instantons and Bridgeland stability, by Victor Pretti
- Automorphisms groups of compact complex surfaces: T-Jordan property, Tits alternative and solvability, by Jia Jia
- Mirror symmetric compactifications of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces with a nonsymplectic involution, by Valery Alexeev, Philip Engel
- Quantum SUSY operads, by N.C. Combe, Yu. I. Manin, M. Marcolli
Fortnightly links (36)
Fortnightly links (35)
- Motivic invariants of birational maps, by Hsueh-Yung Lin, Evgeny Shinder
- Relations among ℙ-Twists, by Andreas Hochenegger, Andreas Krug
- On the categorical entropy of the Frobenius pushforward functor, by Hiroki Matsui, Ryo Takahashi
- Homological Knot Invariants from Mirror Symmetry, by Mina Aganagic
- Coisotropic branes on tori and Homological mirror symmetry, by Yingdi Qin
- Non-commutative crepant resolutions, an overview, by Michel Van den Bergh
- Catalan numbers, parking functions, permutahedra and noncommutative Hilbert schemes, by Valery Lunts, Špela Špenko, Michel Van den Bergh
- Cluster structures on braid varieties, by Roger Casals, Eugene Gorsky, Mikhail Gorsky, Ian Le, Linhui Shen, José Simental
Fortnightly links (34)
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Fortnightly links (32)
Fortnightly links (31)
Fortnightly links (30)
Fortnightly links (29)
Fortnightly links (28)
Fortnightly links (27)
- Categorical and topological entropies on symplectic manifolds, by Hanwool Bae, Dongwook Choa, Wonbo Jeong, Dogancan Karabas, Sangjin Lee
- A moduli theoretic approach to Lagrangian subvarieties of hyperkähler varieties: Examples, by Hanfei Guo, Zhiyu Liu, Shizhuo Zhang
- Quantum curves, resurgence and exact WKB, by Murad Alim, Lotte Hollands, Ivan Tulli
Fortnightly links (26)
Fortnightly links (25)
Fortnightly links (24)
Fortnightly links (23)
- Perverse schobers and Orlov equivalences, by Naoki Koseki, Genki Ouchi
- A-model Implications of Extended Mirror Symmetry, by Lukas Hahn, Johannes Walcher
- Wall-crossing structures on surfaces, by Sergey Mozgovoy
- Computing Riemann-Roch polynomials and classifying hyper-Kähler fourfolds, by Olivier Debarre, Daniel Huybrechts, Emanuele Macrì, Claire Voisin
- Regularizations of positive entropy pseudo-automorphisms, by Alexandra Kuznetsova
- Consequences of the compatibility of skein algebra and cluster algebra on surfaces, by Han-Bom Moon, Helen Wong
- Counting pairs of saddle connections, by J. S. Athreya, S. Fairchild, H. Masur
Fortnightly links (22)
Fortnightly links (21)
- Spectral networks and stability conditions for Fukaya categories with coefficients, by Fabian Haiden, Ludmil Katzarkov, Carlos Simpson
- The Nielsen realization problem for high degree del Pezzo surfaces, by Seraphina Eun Bi Lee
- Degenerations, fibrations and higher rank Landau-Ginzburg models, Charles F. Doran, Jordan Kostiuk, Fenglong You
- Semi-orthogonal decomposition and smoothing, Yujiro Kawamata
- Family Floer superpotential's critical values are eigenvalues of quantum product by c_1, by Hang Yuan
- Pre-Calabi-Yau algebras and topological quantum field theories, by Maxim Kontsevich, Alex Takeda, Yiannis Vlassopoulos
- Demazure operators via shifted q=0 affine algebras, by You-Hung Hsu
Fortnightly links (20)
- Stability conditions and Teichmüller space, by Dylan G. L. Allegretti
- Probability distribution for exceptional sequences of type An, by Kiyoshi Igusa
- Parabolic automorphisms of hyperkahler manifolds, by Ekaterina Amerik, Misha Verbitsky
- Dynamical Tropicalisation, by Farhad Babaee
- Stability conditions on Kuznetsov components of Gushel-Mukai threefolds and Serre functor, by Laura Pertusi, Ethan Robinett
- Special cubic fourfolds, K3 surfaces and the Franchetta property, by Lie Fu, Robert Laterveer
- Conformal blocks and the cohomology of configuration spaces of curves, by Eduard Looijenga
- Symplectomorphisms of mirrors to log Calabi-Yau surfaces, by Paul Hacking, Ailsa Keating
- The Quantum Mirror to the Quartic del Pezzo Surface, by Hülya Argüz
Fortnightly links (19)
Fortnightly links (18)
- Uniformization of some weight 3 variations of Hodge structure, Anosov representations, and Lyapunov exponents, by Simion Filip
- Fully Faithful Functors and Dimension, by Noah Olander
- On the Rouquier dimension of wrapped Fukaya categories and a conjecture of Orlov, by Shaoyun Bai, Laurent Côté
- Categorical blow-up formula for Hilbert schemes of points, by Naoki Koseki
- Minimizing entropy for translation surfaces, by Paul Colognese, Mark Pollicott
- Toric geometry and integral affine structures in non-archimedean mirror symmetry, by Enrica Mazzon, Léonard Pille-Schneider
Fortnightly links (17)
Fortnightly links (16)
Fortnightly links (15)
Fortnightly links (14)
- Relating derived equivalences for simplices of higher-dimensional flops, by W. Donovan
- Categorical action filtrations via localization and the growth as a symplectic invariant, by Laurent Côté, Yusuf Barış Kartal
- Quantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology, by Matthew Strom Borman, Nick Sheridan, Umut Varolgunes
- Spherical objects and stability conditions on 2-Calabi--Yau quiver categories, by Asilata Bapat, Anand Deopurkar, Anthony M. Licata
- Geodesics in the extended Kähler cone of Calabi-Yau threefolds, by Callum R. Brodie, Andrei Constantin, Andre Lukas, Fabian Ruehle
- Modular forms, projective structures, and the four squares theorem, by Michael Eastwood, Ben Moore
Fortnightly links (13)
- On type II degenerations of hyperkähler manifolds, by Daniel Huybrechts, Mirko Mauri
- Rank r DT theory from rank 1, by Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Richard P. Thomas
- Brane quantization of toric Poisson varieties, by Francis Bischoff, Marco Gualtieri
- Probing Quantization Via Branes, by Davide Gaiotto, Edward Witten
- Intrinsic mirrors for minimal adjoint orbits, by Elizabeth Gasparim
- New approach to weighted topological entropy and pressure, by Masaki Tsukamoto
- Quiver symmetries and wall-crossing invariance, Fabrizio Del Monte, Pietro Longhi
- Feynman Integrals in Dimensional Regularization and Extensions of Calabi-Yau Motives, by Kilian Bönisch, Claude Duhr, Fabian Fischbach, Albrecht Klemm, Christoph Nega
- Tau Function and Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials, by Dmitry Korotkin, Peter Zograf
Fortnightly links (12)
Fortnightly links (11)
- Entropy of the composition of two spherical twists, by Federico Barbacovi, Jongmyeong Kim
- Gauge Theory and the Analytic Form of the Geometric Langlands Program, by Davide Gaiotto, Edward Witten
- Stability of BPS States and Weak Coupling Limits, by Eran Palti
- 3d mirror for Argyres-Douglas theories, by Dan Xie
- Remarks on algebraic dynamics in positive characteristic, by Junyi Xie
- Lagrangian Floer theory for trivalent graphs and homological mirror symmetry for curves, by Denis Auroux, Alexander I. Efimov, Ludmil Katzarkov
Fortnightly links (10)
Fortnightly links (9)
- Line fields on punctured surfaces and twisted derived categories, by Ed Segal
- Gromov-Hausdorff distance between filtered A∞ categories 1: Lagrangian Floer theory, by Kenji Fukaya
- Random walks on SL_2(C): spectral gap and limit theorems, by Tien-Cuong Dinh, Lucas Kaufmann, Hao Wu
- Hodge and Teichmüller, by Jeremy Kahn, Alex Wright
- On arithmetic Dijkgraaf-Witten theory, by Hikaru Hirano, Junhyeong Kim, Masanori Morishita
- Difference Galois theory and dynamics, by Ivan Tomasic, Michael Wibmer
Fortnightly links (8)
Fortnightly links (7)
- Multiplication kernels, by Maxim Kontsevich, Alexander Odesskii
- Knot Categorification from Mirror Symmetry, Part I: Coherent Sheaves, by Mina Aganagic
- Knot Categorification from Mirror Symmetry, Part II: Lagrangians, by Mina Aganagic
- Maximal variation of curves on K3 surfaces, by Yajnaseni Dutta, Daniel Huybrechts
- Motives and the Pfaffian-Grassmannian equivalence, by Robert Laterveer
- On the Chow ring of some special Calabi-Yau varieties, by Robert Laterveer
- Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops, by Shunsuke Kano
- The 3-dimensional Lyness map and a self-mirror log Calabi-Yau 3-fold, by Tom Ducat
- Growth Rate Of Dehn Twist Lattice Points In Teichmüller Space, by Jiawei Han
- Growth of Pseudo-Anosov Conjugacy Classes in Teichmüller Space, by Jiawei Han
- On Supersymmetric Interface Defects, Brane Parallel Transport, Order-Disorder Transition and Homological Mirror Symmetry, by Dmitry Galakhov
Fortnightly links (6)
- Triangulation and persistence: Algebra 101, by Paul Biran, Octav Cornea, Jun Zhang
- Towards the Doran-Harder-Thompson conjecture via the Gross-Siebert program, by Lawrence J. Barrott, Charles F. Doran
- On webs, polylogarithms and cluster algebras, by Luc Pirio
- Special Bohr-Sommerfeld geometry: variations, by Nikolay A. Tyurin, MI RAS
- Stokes manifolds and cluster algebras, by Marco Bertola, Sofia Tarricone
- The Weil-Petersson gradient flow of renormalized volume on a Bers slice has a global attracting fixed point, by Martin Bridgeman, Kenneth Bromberg, Franco Vargas Pallete
Fortnightly links (5)
- Heavenly metrics, BPS indices and twistors, by Sergei Alexandrov, Boris Pioline
- The Nielsen realization problem for K3 surfaces, by Benson Farb, Eduard Looijenga
- 3-d Calabi--Yau categories for Teichmüller theory, by Fabian Haiden
- Survey on homological flips and homological flops, by Wai-Kit Yeung
- Non-Holomorphic Cycles and Non-BPS Black Branes, by Cody Long, Artan Sheshmani, Cumrun Vafa, Shing-Tung Yau
Fortnightly links (4)
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Fortnightly links (1)